We headed off to Austin last weekend. Craig was playing in a hockey tournament and the kids and I were going to check out Austin, the outlet mall and some caverns. Well, turns out, we weren't really anywhere near Austin and never had a enough time to go to the outlet mall. So, here are few shots of the cool cavern.
As soon as we went in, we were met by a couple of greeters.
We thought this was very cool!

We hiked down into the mountain for about a half an hour. Chloe and Logan were both surprisingly interested in everything.

Jules, the next shot is for you. While most of the 'rooms' inside the cavern where huge, we had to go through several small tunnel like openings during our walk.

I was doing okay, until I started thinking about how far in we really were. After that, I could actually feel the air getting thinner and thinner.
But even in my semi-hysterical state, I was amazed by what we saw.
So were the kids!

Luckily, not long after I started feeling my lungs constrict, it was time to head back up.
Here were two more cave dwellers wishing us a fond farewell.

And this was the only shot we got of Daddy playing hockey.
I think Logan actually took this picture. Nice job, Logan.

And then we headed home.

The trip tired some out more than others.
(yeah, no, she doesn't hear a word you say due to her MP3 Player, DS and the DVD going.)