
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sadie Ann Steindorf

You may already know, but we lost Sadie in October.  Almost  3 years to the day after losing Micky.  
She was with us for such a long time and  was such a loved part of our family.   But, age caught up to Sadie and we realized life was not joyful for her any longer.  It was time to say goodbye.
Sadie was our Original.  My girl.  
I will keep her in my heart forever.

The Steindorf Clan (4 legged Steindorfs that is!)

Sadie and Micky are smiling down on these guys.
(mainly because they don't have to deal with Rodger)
Here they are, gathering their strength with a quick nap.
Dustin, hanging with Dad.
(yes, Craig's rockin' the Movember mustache)
Dustin with his two favorite things.  His blanket to suck on and a ball.
Our security system.
Shelby sporting her black satin jacket with fur-lined collar and pink bows.  So Chic.
Bring on that Polar Vortex, we are ready!
And finally, nap time...again.
No, of course they're not spoiled. 
What would make you think that?

Logan's 3rd grade production, The Holiday Zoobilee

In November, Logan was in his 3rd grade play.  He had a speaking role and everything.
Although, thanks to my knack of taking the camera with a dead battery, I missed capturing his part.  However, here's what I did get with my phone! (thank gosh for iphones!

The show was adorable.  

Congrats to our newest Red Belts!

Once again Chloe and Logan are kicking butt and taking names!
Only three belts away from Black Belt.

Trent's Visit!

So I finally downloaded photos from Trent's visit!  
Only took me two months!
We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it when Trent comes to visit.  We miss him so much and are very grateful he comes to see us, even though there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do here.
We decided to try something new and take him to Austin.
It was a quick, but fun trip.
 Trent was eager to check out some of the local eateries.
 We hit the Driskal
 And did a little site seeing before heading home.

Ice Skating!

The Woodlands Ice Rink
We had planned on going Ice Skating during our Christmas break, but never got around to it.
So today we finally got out there.
I was so proud of Logan, he was a trooper.  Even though he fell a few times, he never got discouraged.  Just hopped back up and kept skating.  He got pretty good at the end.

As for Chloe, that girl seems to be pretty damn good at what ever she does.  I'd like to say she gets that from me, but I'm guessing her daddy may have a lot to do with this.
 She glided around that rink like she owned the place.   
 I just love these kids!!
As for me, I managed to stay on my feet the entire time, even got a spin or two in.  Both kids even held my hand while we skated for a bit, so I guess I didn't embarrass them too much.   
No doubt due to my mad skating kills!
Craig was playing hockey, but came later to catch the last few laps.   
The kids were eager to show him their skating skills.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!
This year we kept it simple and headed down the street to celebrate with friends.
I was excited to use a Pinterest idea and created hourly activity bags for the kids. 

We started out with a scavenger hunt.  The kids ran around the neighborhood while the parents drank, uninterrupted.  GENIUS!!

The next hour was a bubble gum blowing contest.
 Chloe won, but we never could get a good picture of anyone's bubble.
 We then had a dance off.
This was a blast.  Parents vs. kids.

 Everyone was a winner with this challenge.
The later it got, the more hilarious we found these really tiny club crackers I bought. 
 (alcohol may have been a factor in this)
Those Keebler Elves really take the word 'mini' seriously!! 
 I know this is not nearly has funny as it was that night...but I had to include a picture.
Anyway, back to the activities.
 We had S'mores, a serious game of Go Fish and some Glow Tag.
We then rang in the new year with champagne and fireworks.

Yep, it was a great night!