Logan played his first soccer game Saturday. Needless to say, he was AWESOME.
The boy scored three goals (even though we're not supposed to keep track!) and had multiple break aways! It was quite impressive, if I do say so myself!

Actually, pretty much his whole team did great . . .
but, honestly, we know who the star was right?

Later that night, Craig and I headed over to the Improv to see Adam Corolla.

Yummy drinks, lots of laughs

And lots of friends.

Wasn't a bad way to spend my last night in the 30's.

40 doesn't seem too bad!

Sunday was my actual birthday, so the Craig and kids (along with Daisy May) took me out to breakfast at our local donut shop, where the kids got to watch them being made.

The rest of the day was filled with a nap, lunch with Gary, some TV viewing, then another nap and more eating. And ended with a piece of this beautiful cake. A cake that my children made while I was off getting drunk.

Obviously they've inherited my mad cake skills!

Yep, 40's not bad at all.