
Monday, May 21, 2012

Breaking News!

Breaking news!
The Steindorf household has been struck with a case of 
Alien Tongue

In other news, the Shaved Ice hut opened this weekend....

Orange, the perfect accent color!

Chloe and Logan tested AND passed to their Orange belts this weekend.

Here is Logan naming off the Tenets and counting in Korean. (Logan is on the left)

 Blurred out because...well, HE'S JUST THAT FAST!
 Yes, that's a piece of the board flying towards the instructor's head.  Logan was so proud that he broke his board in 3 pieces!!
 Receiving his Orange belt.

Then it was Chloe's turn.

I, of course, think she had the best jump kick over everyone!
 I missed getting of picture of her breaking the board...oops!
But she got her belt, so you can assume the board breaking went well.

Congrats to my little lethal weapons!
Green is next!

I love our neighborhood

Happy Armed Forces Day!

A boy down the street, along with his Cub Scout troop, puts flags in your yard on every major holiday 
(a fundraiser for the troop). 
 But in honor of  of Armed Forces Day they put flags up at every house for the entire weekend.  So cool!
I just love seeing all the flags lining the streets of our neighborhood.

Chloe's Concert

Chloe (along with the rest of the Vogel band) played a concert for all  the parents last week.    
They were great.  I'm so proud of her for sticking with the flute.  
I can't get the video to upload (I think our computer is dying!), but trust me, she was fantastic.
She's learning Somewhere over the Rainbow now and it brings tears to my eyes every time she plays it.


Logan has finally lost his first tooth.  This was 5 days ago.  He had yet to put his tooth under his pillow.  
He says he's just not ready.
At the rate we are going, the tooth fairy will probably be using a walker to deliver his money.