Hello again from Oregon.
We've always seen people playing on the dunes down from my parents, so we decided to give it a try.

This was Logan flying down the hill.

And Chloe doing the same.
Yes, I'm being sarcastic when I say 'flying'. A five legged ant could have gotten down the hill faster. We must have be doing something wrong. But I was no help. After two trips up the hill, I was so out of breath I needed an oxygen tank! Chloe's comment summed it up perfectly. When my mom asked if she had fun,
she replied, "almost".
So we went home and Logan played with Zachary while I napped.

The next day we went up the coast to the aquarium and the tide pools.

It's always fun to see what creatures we'll find.

Mom thought all the star fish left on the sand during low tide would get messed with by the tourist, so we went around gathering them up and tucking them under the rocks further out in the water.

Logan wasn't too keen on picking them up, but then got into it.

sort of...

During the drive, Chloe kept saying, "take a picture of Edward's mountains" so here's one. Actually most of the scenery looked right out of Twilight, not that I noticed.

During another stop up the coast we were lucky enough to watch a mama and baby whale playing just away from some seal covered rocks. (here, Grandma and Logan were watching them)

Here we are, finally arriving at the aquarium.

Logan's favorite part . . .

On the way home the tide was way out so we decided to stop off at the tide pools again and see if the whales were still there. They were. We couldn't get a picture of them, but we were able to walk way out to where the seals were.

Grandma told us about a park where you could see all the way to China.
I think she was exaggerating just a bit.
(but the view was beautiful!)

And then back to our favorite tide pools for one more investigation and photo shoot.

It was such a great day!

Yesterday we went on our annual sand rail run. Logan was excited because he was finally big enough to go on the fast ones!

Grandpa came over to help us pass the TWO hour wait.

Finally it was our turn.

Strapped in and ready to ride!

Bob, our driver stopped to take a picture for us.

This was the only way Logan could keep the sand out of his mouth!
We were pretty much showered in it the whole ride.
There are 90 miles of dunes, with 5 forest 'island's '. The ocean is just to the right.

The kids can't wait to go back next year!

While Grandma and I rested our bodies, Grandpa took the kids swimming
(cause, you know, they never get to swim)

I think Grandpa had more fun with the kids toys than the kids did.

Later that night, Great Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and another photo session!

And as one last activity, Grandma brought out her beads.
Logan made a necklace for his friend Lauren and then a little something for me.
(yes, in that order)

Never a dull moment at the Streit house.
After that we called it a night. Tomorrow we head to Portland to spend the night with Gary and Inge, who just moved here from So Cal. We can't wait to see them.