As you know, we've started our garden.

Craig and I (YES, ME) worked very hard to get the grass up and the dirt tilled and ready for planting.

And plant we did!
We are eagerly awaiting the fruit (or veggies in our case) of all our hard work.
We planted zucchini and yellow squash, green beans, green onions and Texas sweet onions. Carrots, radishes, green leaf lettuce, cilantro, dill, basil and chives. We've got green and orange peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes.
And we really did not have to wait long . . .

Our radishes (below) were the first to come up

And now, as you can see below, our green beans and lettuce are sprouting.

I know this is pretty boring stuff, but we're getting a real kick out of this garden so far. I can't wait to put on my sun bonnet and skip out to the garden with my basket. I just know that first salad we make is going to be the best tasting salad we've ever had.
(And rightly so, considering it will have cost about $350.00!)