Friday I went in to help Logan's class do some pumpkin math. We got to crave pumpkins. Weigh them, guess their circumference and count every seed.
The camels were great. Very friendly . . .didn't try to spit at us once.
I think I was the most excited since this was the first LIVE armadillo, outside of a zoo, I've seen since we've been here.
Later on we donned our costumes for a practice run at trick or treating up at the church. They were having a little Trunk or Treat activity. You know, because we didn't think we'd get enough candy that night.
A little later the kids were ready to go.
(If you look closely at this picture you can see Logan is smiling under his mask!)
In addition to Spiderman, a Pirate and Madonna's back up dancer, we had Tony Hawk visit. Skateboard and all.
Chloe separated hers by favors, Kaitlyn by type and Logan by shape . . .you know, all the circle's went to together... all the rectangles. I had never actually seen that method before, but it seem to work for him.
Then the kids were sent to bed and I began my yearly raiding of my children's bounty.
Inge and Kaitlyn left this afternoon, back to the cool temps of Oregon. It was a fun visit and I hope they come back soon . . .and bring more of that cool weather with them.
Editors note: I've gained 3 pounds since this post when to print.