Well hi there! Did 'cha miss us?
Okay, so life has been on fast forward these past few weeks. In the last few weeks, we've had several visitors, birthday parties to plan, school shopping to complete, cake orders to fill, PTO meetings to attend, dentist and doctors appointments to make, cheerleading practice to attend. I'm sure you get the picture.
Now that the kids are back in school and my class room is finally set up, I feel like I'm getting things under control . . . sort of.
Here's some things we've been doing since getting back from Oregon.
After a quick visit from Kim and Sophie, we had 4 days before school started.
In those four days, I had to plan Chloe's birthday party, but we still managed to have some fun at the pool.
Okay, so life has been on fast forward these past few weeks. In the last few weeks, we've had several visitors, birthday parties to plan, school shopping to complete, cake orders to fill, PTO meetings to attend, dentist and doctors appointments to make, cheerleading practice to attend. I'm sure you get the picture.
Now that the kids are back in school and my class room is finally set up, I feel like I'm getting things under control . . . sort of.
Here's some things we've been doing since getting back from Oregon.
After a quick visit from Kim and Sophie, we had 4 days before school started.
In those four days, I had to plan Chloe's birthday party, but we still managed to have some fun at the pool.
Dee came to visit along with Aunt Janie and this was the only picture we got of her. And it's not even with MY kids! Although this little guy is a cutie, so I guess it's okay.
Chloe decided to have another pool party, so we went with a Thongs theme.
Dee and Janie did a wonderful job decorating 12 pairs of flip flops for the goody bags, bless their hearts!
The next day was the first day of school!
This year, we sent both our children off to the great land of learning with big smiles. Logan, excited to use his new backpack, Chloe excited to have a locker!
Mom and Dee did their absolute best to ensure they were the best dressed kids at school,
(Thanks again guys!)
we were on our way. Chloe no longer goes to Kaufman, but was more than happy to walk her little brother to school.
We're scored with Logan's teacher, Mrs. Bradford, this year. Several people say she's the best Kindergarten teacher at Kaufman and so far, we agree 100%.
Surprisingly enough I didn't get all weepy as I left my baby at school.
He, of course, couldn't get rid of my fast enough.
This is when I started tearing up. I don't know why it bothered me more when Chloe went to class than when Logan did.
Since I had already done her big cake, I opted for a huge Ho-Ho with recycled candles.
Here I thought I was totally short changing her, but she LOVED it!
Go figure!
Isn't she beautiful?
Y'all are a busy family! A thong-themed party?!? Did you play the thong song too? You can tell what era you are from! I put on a girl's camp supply sheet for the girl's to bring thongs for the showers - not a good thing. They wondered what kind of leader I was going to be - totally Hip!
We hope you had a happy birthday Chloe! It looks like a great time was had by all during all the festivities. Somebody is very gifted at throwing children (very high) - impressive! Now I'm hungry after seeing the cakes!
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