
Friday, December 10, 2010

still waiting . . .

Okay, so I haven't seen a 'Save the Steindorf Blog' page on Facebook yet?
What's the deal?

Actually, I have decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and pay the freakin' $5.00.
Unfortunately, there still won't be any updates until I get a new camera.
Mine bit the dust yesterday.
And no, for all you smart asses, I don't think it's because it was put in the refrigerator!

Which sucks, because Grandma and Grandpa are visiting. I'll have to find the old Sony to capture some of our wonderfully tender family bonding moments.
(man, it was hard to type that with a straight face!)

1 comment:

Gary, Inge & Kaitlyn Barbee said...

oh come on?? you know it was the time in the fridge that made the camera die! LOL