
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

My Husband

So in the past month, my husband has been to Orange County, Vegas, San Francisco, back to Orange county to DRIVE back to Texas with my Dad and to Dallas TWICE.  I know I've said it before, but the man truly is the energizer bunny. 

I know, in my inexcusable neglect of the blog, I failed to do a birthday post for him.  But truth be told, there is not a day that goes by that I don't thank my stars that I get to share my life with him.   And while, at times, he drives me so crazy I want to scream, I wouldn't trade  him for the world . . or even chocolate.

He's in the other room right now, playing with his birthday gift, an iPhone.
Yep, he's gone over to the dark side.   I'm sure he'll be calling everyone soon to SKYPE  or whatever you kids are calling it.

1 comment:

Jerlynne said...

Happy belated birthday Craig!!! I would wish you some In N Out, but it looks like you've been enjoying that quite a bit lately (what the heck - I'll wish it anyway). Someday you'll have to reveal your secret for how you look so young and don't even get me started about the energy!!

Have a great rest of your birthday week!