
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

7 things I love about Logan

1. He doesn't like french fries.
(I know, RIGHT?!?!)

2.  He loves his sister and even when he doesn't like her he still wants her near him.

4. He's got his daddy's charm, but doesn't even know it, which makes it all the more deadly.

5.  He doesn't let an hour go by without telling me he loves me.   
(even if he spends that hour in a time out!)

6.  He will always find something to smile about.  Even when he's lost his pants.
(or his shirt)
 7.  And he will never hesitate to tell you how awesome he is!
And you know what?
He is SO right.

Happy 7th Birthday Logan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the most wonderful grandson ever. Sorry I missed both parties but I'll bet you got some great gifts. Have a great year being seven and enjoy every minute of it. We all love you!!!!

Grandma, Zachery, Zoe, Lorenzo, Charlotte and Allyson

P.S. Allyson was wondering if you got any treats for your birthday. You know how she loves treats!!