
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The Birthday boy

So, despite all my arguments, Logan decided he wanted to have his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. 

And if you are thinking, "Boy that cake sure looks familiar", You are right.  
This is Logan's 3rd Ben 10 party.
Everyone had lots of fun,
And even I have to admit it was a great party.  
Add in that I didn't have to clean my house, I'm thinking CEC was a fabulous idea!

We celebrated on his actual birthday with a low key dinner of his choosing.  Chic-fil-a, with Grandpa. 
And no cake, just ice cream.
And a few silly tongue tricks!

Craig was anti tongue twisting this evening, this is all I got from him!
Just then, disaster struck!
Logan became the recipient of a vicious attack from his ice cream cone....

But, as you can see, it didn't slow his tongue tricks down a bit.
Such a trooper he is.
And, of course, he got even more Ben 10 gifts.
He's even got one coming all the way from England.
And thus ends another Ben 10 birthday!
3 in a row.  No one can ever say my son can't commit!

Don't mess with the Steindorf kids!

Logan and Chloe have both started Tae Kwon Do.
Now, I know it's early, but I think it's safe to say,
you're not gonna want to go messing with these two!
More to come about that.

7 things I love about Logan

1. He doesn't like french fries.
(I know, RIGHT?!?!)

2.  He loves his sister and even when he doesn't like her he still wants her near him.

4. He's got his daddy's charm, but doesn't even know it, which makes it all the more deadly.

5.  He doesn't let an hour go by without telling me he loves me.   
(even if he spends that hour in a time out!)

6.  He will always find something to smile about.  Even when he's lost his pants.
(or his shirt)
 7.  And he will never hesitate to tell you how awesome he is!
And you know what?
He is SO right.

Happy 7th Birthday Logan.