
Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School 2013!

Well, the day finally arrived when my children want nothing to do with me on the first day of school. I was only allowed to take pictures at home and there was absolutely NO kisses or hugs in the vicinity of the bus stop and school. Not sure how I feel about that. But one thing is for certain. 
These two are READY to take 3rd grade and 8th grade by storm.

AND,  I think I actually spelled everything correctly and got the date right this year, so YAY me!


We took one last jaunt out to Kemah to celebrate Chloe's birthday and morn the end of summer.

 Best siblings EVAH!   (well, at this moment anyway!)

Goodbye Summer!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chloe's birthday

Today we celebrated Chloe's birthday along with Uncle Gary and Grammy Dee.
Earlier this week Dawn and I took Chloe and Daisy out to lunch and to get their make up done, since they can officially wear it now.  So today was just a nice quiet dinner at home.

She had a great day, along with many wonderful birthday wishes on FB.
And now that she is officially 13,
isn't there some sort of support group I should  be contacting?