
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

It's Rodeo Time!

Last week kicked off Rodeo days for those of us living in this great state of Texas!  All the kids were supposed to dress up in their western gear.
This is all we could come up with.
WHAT !?!  
We're Californians for gosh sakes!

Rodeo Days is really a way to kick off the Houston Rodeo. 
Chloe and I scored some tickets to the concert Big Time Rush at the Rodeo, so we invited Paula and Melanie along to join in the fun.

Chloe LOVED it.  I wasn't too sure.  First, Paula and I noticed that many of the songs sounded a lot NKOTB.   Second, the 'band' sang exactly 5 songs.  That's it.  5.   I think that either it was past their bed time or that's all the songs they knew.   Either way, we were home and in our jammies before 8pm, and that's ALWAYS a good thing.

A Cake for A.J.

Logan's best friend AJ turned 7.
The theme was Avengers.   
I'm not doing cakes anymore, but I figured since Logan was going to the party, I'd better step up to the plate.
And it never hurts that I get to EAT some of it too!!

Hockey anyone?

Craig and I are attempting to find a hobby we can enjoy together.  His suggestion?  Let's play in the co-ed hockey league!   I must really love him, because I agreed.

While I managed to stay on my feet most of the time and did get the puck once in a while,
I found that 100% not my thing.

We are now playing tennis.  I'm liking that SO much better.


Okay, so I'm finally updating this blog.
Our computer has some sort of virus or something.... it freaks out and makes it really hard to upload photos.  BUT, being the trooper that I am, I got through it.

A few weeks back, it actually started to snow.   It only lasted for about 3 mins.  But it was long enough for Chloe to bundle up and 'play' in the snow.   Since there really wasn't any snow to photograph, here are a couple shots of Chloe jumping on the trampoline.