
Monday, October 22, 2012

Lego Festival - Austin

Over Labor Day weekend, Logan and I took a trip to Austin with his friend Carter and Susan, Carter's mom to attend the Lego festival.

Our first stop was the Capitol.

Both boys were moderately entertained.
(Actually, even though Logan has been there before, they both seemed to be pretty interested)

But this is what they were waiting for!

Even us moms had fun!

After the festival, we decided to check out the bats at Congress St. Bridge.
As you can see, we weren't the only ones with that idea.

During the warmer months, every night at dusk, a colony of bats (millions of them, we are told) exit the bridge to eat.  It was pretty cool, just waiting for them to come out. Unfortunately, it also got pretty dark before they made their exit, so this is pretty much all we got to see...
Yes, all the white dots are the reflections of my flash off their eyes.
Yes, those are all bats flying around us.

It was very cool for about 3 mins.
Then we headed home.

The End.

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